It’s National Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Month!(https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/03/29/a-proclamation-on-cancer-control-month-2024/).
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most the common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the United States (per CDC’s STD Facts on HPV), and is highly preventable by HPV vaccination, screening and treatment of cervical precancerous changes. The NCI Cervical Cancer ‘Last Mile’ Initiative, through a network of various partners, will deploy and study the efficacy of a “self-collection” method of HPV testing to prevent cervical cancer. If successful, this method may improve accessibility of screening, early detection and treatment, and ultimately, lead to fewer cervical cancer cases.
Read more about this partnership here: https://prevention.cancer.gov/news-and-events/blog/nci-launches-network-study-self-collection-hpv-testing-prevent-cervical-cancer