The National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Moonshot(SM) Biobank will be hosting a mini-symposium on “Maximizing the Research Use of Small Biopsy Tissue” on Wednesday, February 9th from 9AM-12 PM EST. This mini symposium will highlight and address challenges and successful approaches for obtaining biopsies, appropriate tissue handling, and subsequent analysis that results in sufficient quality and quantity of analytes for molecular research and clinical testing.https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cbiit.webex.com/cbiit/j.php?RGID=rb7d902221fa11b76d50ac1919b5b0954__;!!LQC6Cpwp!_3RMRfp1JkpapVH2js3iXdFNxF4islj9lDYJ4UAbZ3CalzvQa4R_3C4qmyT7KfEz-tN9nA$
To view the agenda and register for the event, please visit:Lokesh.agrawal@nih.gov with any questions. Individuals with disabilities who need Sign Language Interpreters and/or reasonable accommodation to participate in this event should contact Dr. Lokesh Agrawal, NCI/DCTD/CDP, Lokesh.agrawal@nih.gov, (240) 276-5718. Requests should be made five days in advance of the event.
When your registration is approved, you will receive an invitation to join. Feel free to share this information with anyone you feel would be interested in participating. Please contact Dr. Lokesh Agrawal,